Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy 2008!

I hope you all have a fun and healthy 2008. I'm looking forward to it.

  • On New Year's Day, we drove back from a nice celebration in Worcester with my brother- and sister-in-law. It was snowing hard in Worcester, but the snow was turning into sleet as we neared Natick. On Rt. 9, we encountered a red light, and in Colleen's Volvo 960 wagon, which is terrible in the snow, I applied the brakes, and began to slide. I scanned the intersection expecting the worst, grabbed Colleen, and tried to stay calm so the boys wouldn't freak out. We were lucky that the one car that was entering the intersection saw what was happening and stopped. Phew.

  • Grady, our 7 year old, is ultra competitive in sports. Liam, our 5 year old is not. Around the dinner table last night, they started doing the "2-4-6-8 who do we appreciate" chant and ticking off Grady's past team names: the Leopards and the Tigers. Liam said when he starts soccer this Spring, he wants his team name to be the Buttercups. Oh my. Can you imagine the fear that name will instill in opponents? "Oh no, we have to play the Buttercups today!" Shiver. Heh, heh.

  • I've been tossing around a couple of resolutions, but haven't settled on any yet. How about you?

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