Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The race to the White House

On Monday, I attended a John McCain rally at Faneuil Hall in Boston and sat in the first row off the stage. As he came down the stairs to make his way through the cheering audience, I was the first to shake his hand, wish him luck, and then shake the hand of his STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL wife, Cindy. I'm also enjoying the blog of his daughter, Meghan, who on McCainBlogette, gives us a behind-the-scene look into her dad's campaign.

It's a nice mixture of pictures, videos and postings that show us the personal side of John McCain, like how one of his favorite things to do is walk down a drum line. She remembers him loving it during parades when she was a little girl, and was pleased to see that it still touched him so much that he did a little two-step when he was surprised with a drum line at a campaign stop.

Neat little widget that MSNBC is making available below.

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